Monday, September 9, 2013

Harris Pontoon Boat Graphic –

With the general design and shapes looking like we are on the right track, we discussed colors and the 3D shadows and lighting needed to make this design really stand out.  This is the mock-up of the current stage of development for this Harris pontoon boat graphic.


From a technical side, this design is a vector graphic which means once complete, it can be sized to any specification without loosing any quality. underlays the exported design onto the customer’s boat to provide a good visual of the final product.  We provide this in JPG format and email it to the customer for their input, changes, etc.

At JoyRide Graphics, the goal of our Completely Custom service is to assure that the customer is completely happy with not only the graphic, but how it will look on their boat, car, truck, etc.  There really isn’t a better way to do this than with this type hands-on service and the exchange of visualized ideas.

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